
Sandblasting is a mechanical part preparation technique that removes all traces of oil, grease, dirt, dust, scale, rust, paint and corrosive products depending on the desired degree of sanding.

This cleaning process restores a part’s initial appearance by preparing them adequately for the coating application. Sandblasting improves paint adhesion to different metal parts. The sanding is done by the projection of steel dust at high speed onto the metal part.

The sanding degrees may vary and can be determined jointly with our experts, according to your needs. We follow the standards set by the Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC).


SSPC Standards: Preparation of steel surfaces:
SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning
SSPC-SP2 Manual Cleaning
SSPC-SP3 Mechanical Cleaning
SSPC-SP5 Shot blasting
SSPC-SP6 Commercial Shot Blasting
SSPC-SP7 Soft Shot Blasting
SSPC-SP10 Near-white blasting
SSPC-SP11 Mechanical cleaning with bare metal